How Your Thrift Store Donations Support Families in Second-Stage Housing

As our clients progress through our residential programs, we work hard to ensure they feel truly at home. It’s in the details—the baskets of goodies, the plates for their first meal, the kid-friendly utensils—where your impact is profoundly felt.

Thanks to your generosity, the Good Stuff Connection (GSC) Thrift Store does more than fundraise for our programs and offer affordable goods to our community. It also helps keep our Second Stage Housing Programs stocked with home essentials.

Additionally, your donations, both cash and in-kind, directly support our Welcome Kits for new arrivals and Start-Up Kits for families in transition, offering relief and easing their move into new homes.

As families prepare to leave Second Stage Housing, we invite them to take what they need from our shelves, which are then replenished through your thoughtful donations to our thrift store. This gesture not only smooths their transition, but also brings excitement for their next chapter.

With the rising cost of housing, groceries, and other essentials, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for women, especially those with young children, to leave abusive situations. By alleviating some of these financial burdens, you’re opening doors for women and children ready to move forward now.


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