Join the team!

We are compassionate and knowledgeable advocates who understand the complexities of leaving violence. Want to help? Explore our career and volunteer opportunities below.

Open Roles

Thanks for checking in! There are currently no open roles at NSCSS.

For volunteer and career inquiries, please email Connie Bonsteel at

Want to volunteer for the Gala of Grace? Email Sandra Lee at for all Gala of Grace inquiries,


Come volunteer at the Good Stuff Connection Thrift Store! Volunteers help to sort donations, price items, assemble care kits, and steam clothes. Volunteers are asked to commit to 3 hours per week and must be over the age 16.

If you are interested, please visit the store from Monday to Thursday between 11am-5pm, and ask for Manisha.

SAGE House has volunteer cooks who come in and prepare dinner for our residents for that evening’s meal. Staff will put on the finishing touches and serve it at dinner time.

Volunteers must be over the age of 19. Please note that we do not have opportunities for volunteers to learn front-line or clinical skills, or to work directly with our clients. Agencies such as Battered Women’s Support Services or Sala’s Sexual Violence Support Centre may offer this experience.

Donate “Good Stuff!

It’s called the Good Stuff Connection for good reason… Our donors give us great stuff!

Much of what is donated goes either directly to SAGE Transition House or is “purchased” through our clothing program. With the program, clients of NSCSS and our 14 community partners are provided vouchers redeemable at ourstore. Our Clothing Program ensures that clean, good quality clothing, shoes, personal items, and small household goods are provided free of charge to women and children staying at SAGE Transition House and other important members of our community.

Other items are sold for reasonable prices at our store. 100% of proceeds directly support NSCSS programs.

To donate items, bring them to: 154 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver. Please call Manisha ahead of time at 604-987-1773.

Items We Need

  • Clean, good-quality women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing

  • Footwear

  • Jewelry & Accessories

  • Kids Toys and Games

  • Household items (dishes, pots, pans, etc.)

Items We Do Not Need

  • Baby equipment

  • Furniture

  • Electronics

  • Anything electrical (i.e. lamps or appliances)

Thinking of fundraising?

Visit our fundraising page for event ideas inspired by creative leaders like you! 100% of the money you raise will directly support NSCSS programs.