About Us
North Shore Crisis Services Society (“NSCSS”) is a registered charity that provides emergency shelter, longer-term housing solutions, essential services, and preventative education to women and children leaving domestic abuse and violence on the North Shore.
Our Programs & Services
Supportive Housing
SAGE Transition House and our 3 Second-Stage Housing Programs are safe and confidential accommodations for women and children leaving domestic abuse. We provide food and other essentials, a community of support and advocacy, and help with childcare and transportation whenever possible.
Outreach Services
Our Outreach Service Program (OSP) and Multicultural Outreach Services (MOS) offers culturally informed support and advocacy, assistance with family court, criminal justice systems, immigration services, housing, and referrals to resources provided by other like-minded service agencies. Services are offered in English, Farsi, and Dari. Interpreter services are offered as well.
Women's Support Line
Call 604-987-0366
This phone line operates 24/7, and provides emotional support, information about safe housing, and referrals to local resources for individuals impacted by abuse. We’ve also partnered with Family Services of the North Shore to offer after-hour access to the Sexual Assault Response Program (SARP), providing callers with free and confidential support whenever they may need it.
Homeless Prevention Program
The Homeless Prevention Program (HPP) supports women who have experienced violence or are at risk of violence, and are homeless, hidden homeless, or at risk of homelessness. HPP aims to help women secure housing, with ongoing case management and goal setting to ensure that clients retain their housing.
Support for Kids
PEACE Program supports children and youth ages 3-18 who have experienced or witnessed abuse at home. Our PEACE Counsellors provide assessments, referrals, and both individual & group counselling to help youth process their experiences. We work with youth in a safe supportive environment where they can express and explore their feelings through art, play and discussion.
Good Stuff Connection
Good Stuff Connection Thrift Store & Clothing Program offers affordable, quality housewares and clothing for all ages and genders - items such as dishware and utensils, bedsheets, hygiene products, business casual attire for working parents, and winter clothes children can wear outdoors.
The GSC Clothing Program welcomes clients and referrals from our partner agencies to shop at GSC for free (via vouchers).
Contact Us
For general inquiries, please contact Cindy at 604-987-0366 or email admin@nscss.net.
For programs inquiries, please contact Saghar, Community Program Coordinator, at 604-987-0366 Ext 110 or at saghar@nscss.net
To contact Laura Reynolds, NSCSS Executive Director, call 604-987-3066 Ex 103 or email lreynolds@nscss.net
To contact SAGE Transition House directly:
Email: sage@nscss.net | Phone: 604-987-3374
To contact NSCSS Program Coordinators at SAGE Transition House, please contact:
Froozan: fgsage@nscss.net | Frances: frsage@nscss.net
Email Shona, at 604-987-0366 Ext. 111, or email hpp@nscss.net
For services for youth ages 3-18, , please contact our PEACE Counsellor:
Brooke 604-987-0366 Ext 106 | brooke@nscss.net
Contact Pantea, Outreach & Multicultural Outreach Worker, at 604-987-0366 Ext 107 or email outreach@nscss.net.
For Good Stuff Connection, please contact Manisha at 604-987-1773 or email gsc@nscss.net
Online Store: goodstuffconnection.ca
Store Address: 154 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver, V7M 1E8
Contact Sandra Lee, Communications & Development Manager, at 604-307-1329 or email slee@nscss.net.
For general inquiries, please contact our office at 604 987 0366 or at admin@nscss.net
Thank you.
Our Origins
Leading to our inception in 1979, our founding partners at United Way (North Shore Division) and North Shore Women's Centre set out to establish emergency safe accommodations for battered women and their children in North Vancouver. Throughout our 43 years of service, attitudes and assumptions towards domestic abuse evolved. Advocacy for women's right to safety galvanized more of our community, resulting in more public awareness, funding, and opportunities for our agency to grow. Our objectives then expanded to providing wrap-around support services in conjunction with emergency housing.
Our Mission Statement
To promote a secure and abuse-free environment for women and children.
We believe…
Violence against women and children is a societal issue
Equality for women is at the heart of a healthy society
Information and education are fundamental to ending violence and abuse
Everyone has a right to live in a safe and secure environment
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity
Our Objectives
To provide safe and secure shelter for abused women and their children
To offer holistic counseling and support services to women and children fleeing from or living with abuse
To foster self-esteem and self-determination in women and children
To work toward ending violence against and abuse of women and children through public awareness and education
Core Funders
NSCSS also gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions from many service clubs, groups, and individuals in our community.

You are not alone - We are here to help.
Feel free to contact us whenever you need. Our team is on duty 24/7 and are ready to help.